1881 Census of England and Wales, Tables: Ages, Condition as to Marriage, Occupations and Birthplaces of people, Table 10 : " Occupations of Males and Females in the Division and its Registration Counties".

Show St Marylebone RegD/PLPar table Cavendish Square SubD
  Peer, M.P., Privy Councillor (not otherwise described) 8 Show data context -
  Civil Service (officers and clerks) 28 Show data context 3 Show data context
  Civil Service (messengers, &c.) 25 Show data context -
  Police 47 Show data context -
  Municipal, Parish, Union, District, Officer 1 Show data context -
  Other Local or County Official 22 Show data context -
  East Indian and Colonial Service 3 Show data context -
2. PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE DEFENCE OF THE COUNTRY. 58 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Army Officer (effective/retired) 31 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Soldier and Non-commissioned officer 6 Show data context -
  Militia, Yeomanry, Volunteers 13 Show data context -
  Army Pensioner 1 Show data context -
  Navy Officer (effective/retired) 6 Show data context -
  Navy Pensioner 1 Show data context -
  Clergymen (Established Church) 13 Show data context -
  Minister, Priest of other religious bodies 3 Show data context -
  Nun, Sister of Charity - 14 Show data context
  Theological Student 1 Show data context -
  Church, chapel, cemetery - officer, servant 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Barrister, Solicitor 62 Show data context -
  Law Student 12 Show data context -
  Law Clerk, and others connected with the law 21 Show data context -
  Physician, Surgeon, General Practitioner 152 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Dentist 29 Show data context -
  Medical Student, Assistant 19 Show data context -
  Subordinate Medical Service 3 Show data context 134 Show data context
  Schoolmaster 5 Show data context 34 Show data context
  Teacher, Professor, Lecturer 8 Show data context 82 Show data context
  School Service, and others connected with teaching - 1 Show data context
  Author, Editor, Journalist 7 Show data context 3 Show data context
  Reporter, Short-hand Writer 1 Show data context -
  Persons engaged in Scientific Pursuits 1 Show data context -
  Literary, Scientific, Institution, Service, &c. 7 Show data context -
  Civil Engineer 19 Show data context -
  Mining Engineer 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Land, House, Ship, Surveyor 6 Show data context -
  Painter (artist) 17 Show data context 13 Show data context
  Engraver (artist) 1 Show data context -
  Sculptor 2 Show data context -
  Architect 9 Show data context -
  Musician, Music Master 24 Show data context 26 Show data context
  Art Student 3 Show data context 8 Show data context
  Photographer 3 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Actor 3 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Art, Music, Theatre Service 2 Show data context -
  Performer, Showman, Exhibition, Service 1 Show data context -
  Billiard, Cricket & other Games, Service 3 Show data context 1 Show data context
4. PERSONS ENGAGED IN DOMESTIC OFFICES OR SERVICES. 978 Show data context 2,931 Show data context
  Domestic Coachman, Groom 212 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Domestic Indoor Servant 617 Show data context 2,806 Show data context
  Lodge, Gate, Park Keeper (not Government) 3 Show data context -
  Inn, Hotel Servant 134 Show data context 46 Show data context
  College, Club Service 2 Show data context -
  Office Keeper (not Government) 5 Show data context 5 Show data context
  Cook (not domestic) 2 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Charwoman - 19 Show data context
  Washing and Bathing Service 2 Show data context 28 Show data context
  Hospital and Institution Service 1 Show data context 23 Show data context
  Others engaged in Service - 1 Show data context
5. PERSONS ENGAGED IN COMMERCIAL OCCUPATIONS. 350 Show data context 65 Show data context
  Merchant 48 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Broker, Agent, Factor 37 Show data context -
  Auctioneer, Appraiser, Valuer, House Agent 8 Show data context -
  Accountant 10 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Salesman, Buyer (not otherwise specified) 2 Show data context 27 Show data context
  Commercial Traveller 21 Show data context -
  Commercial Clerk 187 Show data context 34 Show data context
  Officer of Commercial Company, Guild, Society &c. 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Banker 15 Show data context -
  Bank Service 10 Show data context -
  Bill Discounter, Bill Broker, Finance Agent 3 Show data context -
  Life, House, Ship &c., Insurance Service 7 Show data context -
6. PERSONS ENGAGED IN CONVEYANCE OF MEN, GOODS, AND MESSAGES. 384 Show data context 5 Show data context
  Other Railway Officials and Servants 14 Show data context -
  Omnibus, Coach, Cab, Owner - Livery Stable Keeper 11 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Cabman, Flyman, Coachman (not domestic) 144 Show data context -
  Carman, Carrier, Carter, Haulier 30 Show data context -
  Wheel Chair Proprietor, Attendant &c. 1 Show data context -
  Navigation Service (on shore) 1 Show data context -
  Seaman (Merchant Service) 2 Show data context -
  Ship Steward, Cook 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Warehouseman (not Manchester) 18 Show data context -
  Messenger, Porter, Watchman (not Railway or Government) 160 Show data context -
  Telegraph, Telephone Service 2 Show data context 3 Show data context
7. PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE. 20 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Farmer, Grazier 2 Show data context -
  Farmer's, Grazier's - Son, Grandson, Brother, Nephew 1 Show data context -
  Farm Bailiff 1 Show data context -
  Agricultural Labourer, Farm Servant, Cottager 9 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Others engaged in, or connected with agriculture 1 Show data context -
  Nurseryman, Seedsman, Florist 2 Show data context -
  Gardener (not domestic) 4 Show data context -
8. PERSONS ENGAGED ABOUT ANIMALS. 105 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Horse Proprietor, Breeder, Dealer 1 Show data context -
  Groom, Horse-keeper, Horse-breaker 89 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Veterinary Surgeon, Farrier 14 Show data context -
  Dog, Bird, Animal - Keeper, Dealer 1 Show data context -
9. PERSONS WORKING AND DEALING IN BOOKS, PRINTS, AND MAPS. 46 Show data context 7 Show data context
  Publisher, Bookseller, Librarian 11 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Music-Publisher, Seller, Printer 6 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Bookbinder 2 Show data context 3 Show data context
  Printer 21 Show data context -
  Newspaper Agent, News Room Keeper 5 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Lithographer, Lithographic Printer 1 Show data context -
  Map and Print - Colourer, Seller - 1 Show data context
10. PERSONS WORKING AND DEALING IN MACHINES AND IMPLEMENTS. 59 Show data context 5 Show data context
  Engine, Machine Maker 8 Show data context -
  Millwright 1 Show data context -
  Fitter, Turner (Engine and Machine) 6 Show data context -
  Agricultural Machine and Implement Maker 1 Show data context -
  Cutler, Scissors Maker 2 Show data context -
  Watch Maker, Clock Maker 18 Show data context -
  Philosophical Instrument Maker 4 Show data context -
  Electrical Apparatus Maker 4 Show data context -
  Surgical Instrument Maker 2 Show data context 5 Show data context
  Gunsmith, Gun Manufacturer 2 Show data context -
  Musical Instrument Maker, Dealer 8 Show data context -
  Die, Seal, Coin, Medal Maker 3 Show data context -
  Builder 16 Show data context -
  Carpenter, Joiner 58 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Bricklayer 8 Show data context -
  Mason 4 Show data context -
  Plumber 11 Show data context -
  Painter, Glazier 70 Show data context -
  Cabinet Maker 41 Show data context 27 Show data context
  French Polisher 4 Show data context -
  Furniture Broker, Dealer 1 Show data context -
  Locksmith, Bellhanger 6 Show data context -
  Gas Fitter 7 Show data context -
  House and Shop Fittings - Maker, Dealer 4 Show data context -
  Funeral Furniture Maker, Undertaker 8 Show data context -
  Wood Carver 1 Show data context -
  Carver, Gilder 8 Show data context -
  Dealer in Works of Art 8 Show data context -
  Animal, Bird &c. Preserver, Naturalist 3 Show data context -
  Artificial Flower Maker 4 Show data context 6 Show data context
12. PERSONS WORKING AND DEALING IN CARRIAGES AND HARNESS. 50 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Coachmaker 25 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Wheelwright 6 Show data context -
  Bicycle, Tricycle - Maker, Dealer 2 Show data context -
  Saddler, Harness, Whip Maker 17 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Ship, Boat, Barge Builder 1 Show data context -
14. PERSONS WORKING AND DEALING IN CHEMICALS AND COMPOUNDS. 17 Show data context 5 Show data context
  Chemist, Druggist 10 Show data context 3 Show data context
  Manufacturing Chemist 7 Show data context 2 Show data context
15. PERSONS WORKING AND DEALING IN TOBACCO AND PIPES. 7 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Tobacco Manufacture, Tobacconist 7 Show data context 1 Show data context
16. PERSONS WORKING AND DEALING IN FOOD AND LODGING. 269 Show data context 78 Show data context
  Innkeeper, Hotel Keeper, Publican 33 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Lodging, Boarding House Keeper 21 Show data context 52 Show data context
  Coffee, Eating House, Keeper 7 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Brewer 4 Show data context -
  Beerseller, Ale, Porter, Cider Dealer 1 Show data context -
  Cellarman 5 Show data context -
  Wine, Spirit - Merchant, Agent 6 Show data context -
  Milkseller, Dairyman 8 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Cheesemonger, Butterman 8 Show data context -
  Butcher, Meat Salesman 43 Show data context -
  Provision Curer, Dealer 5 Show data context -
  Poulterer, Game Dealer 3 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Fishmonger 11 Show data context -
  Corn, Flour, Seed Merchant, Dealer 5 Show data context -
  Baker 45 Show data context 7 Show data context
  Confectioner, Pastrycook 6 Show data context 9 Show data context
  Greengrocer, Fruiterer 13 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Mustard, Vinegar, Spice, Pickle Maker, Dealer 1 Show data context -
  Sugar Refiner 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Grocer. Tea, Coffee, Chocolate Maker, Dealer 42 Show data context 2 Show data context
17. PERSONS WORKING AND DEALING IN TEXTILE FABRICS. 425 Show data context 204 Show data context
  Woollen Cloth Manufacture 4 Show data context -
  Cloth, Worsted, Stuff, Flannel, Blanket Dealer 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Silk Merchant, Dealer 2 Show data context -
  Cotton, Cotton Goods Manufacture 1 Show data context -
  Lace Manufacturer, Dealer 4 Show data context 24 Show data context
  Hemp, Jute, Cocoa Fibre Manufacture 1 Show data context -
  Sacking, Sack, Bag - Maker, Dealer 2 Show data context -
  Dyer, Printer, Scourer, Bleacher, Calenderer (undefined) 4 Show data context 5 Show data context
  Draper, Linen Draper, Mercer 403 Show data context 165 Show data context
  Fancy Goods (Textile) Manufacturer, Worker, Dealer 2 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Trimming Maker, Dealer 1 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Embroiderer - 5 Show data context
18. PERSONS WORKING AND DEALING IN DRESS. 253 Show data context 831 Show data context
  Hatter, Hat Manufacture 2 Show data context -
  Tailor 151 Show data context 53 Show data context
  Milliner, Dressmaker, Staymaker 11 Show data context 712 Show data context
  Shirt Maker, Seamstress 1 Show data context 46 Show data context
  Hosiery Manufacture - 1 Show data context
  Hosier, Haberdasher 13 Show data context 3 Show data context
  Shoe, Boot - Maker, Dealer 61 Show data context 10 Show data context
  Wig Maker, Hair Dresser 11 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Umbrella, Parasol, Stick - Maker, Dealer 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Accoutrement Maker - 1 Show data context
  Old Clothes Dealer, and others 1 Show data context 2 Show data context
19. PERSONS WORKING AND DEALING IN VARIOUS ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. 15 Show data context 4 Show data context
  Comb Maker 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Furrier, Skinner 3 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Currier 1 Show data context -
  Leather Goods, Portmanteau, Bag, Strap &c., Maker, Dealer 7 Show data context -
  Brush, Broom, Maker 2 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Quill, Feather - Dresser, Dealer 1 Show data context -
  Oil and Colourman 5 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Japanner 1 Show data context -
  Waterproof Goods - Maker, Dealer - 2 Show data context
  Others 1 Show data context -
  Willow, Cane, Rush Worker, Dealer, Basketmaker 5 Show data context -
  Hay, Straw (not plait), Chaff, Cutter, Dealer 1 Show data context -
  Sawyer 1 Show data context -
  Wood Turner, Box Maker 2 Show data context -
  Cooper, Hoop Maker, Bender 3 Show data context -
  Envelope Maker - 1 Show data context
  Stationer, Law Stationer 17 Show data context 5 Show data context
  Paper Box, Paper Bag Maker - 1 Show data context
  Mine Service 1 Show data context -
  Gas Works Service 2 Show data context -
  Slate Worker, Dealer 1 Show data context -
  Brick, Tile - Maker, Burner, Dealer 1 Show data context -
  Earthenware, China, Porcelain, Manufacture 3 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Glass Manufacture 3 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Earthenware, China, Glass Dealer 8 Show data context 2 Show data context
  Goldsmith, Silversmith, Jeweller 11 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Others 1 Show data context -
  [Iron Manufacture] 2 Show data context -
  [Steel Manufacture] 1 Show data context -
  Blacksmith 5 Show data context -
  Whitesmith 4 Show data context -
  Ironmonger. Hardware Dealer, Merchant 8 Show data context -
  [Coppersmith] 1 Show data context -
  Tin, Tin Plate, Tin Goods - Manufacturer, Worker, Dealer 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Metal Refiner, Worker, Turner, Dealer 1 Show data context -
  Brass, Bronze Manufacture. Brazier 19 Show data context -
  Metal Burnisher, Lacquerer 1 Show data context -
  Wire Maker, Worker, Weaver, Drawer 1 Show data context -
  Lamp, Lantern, Candlestick Maker 5 Show data context -
  General Shopkeeper, Dealer 18 Show data context 28 Show data context
  Pawnbroker 1 Show data context -
  Costermonger, Huckster, Street Seller 1 Show data context -
  Manufacturer, Manager, Superintendant (undefined) 16 Show data context 3 Show data context
  Contractor (undefined) 2 Show data context -
  General Labourer 19 Show data context 1 Show data context
  Engine Driver, Stoker, Fireman (not railway, marine or agricultural) 4 Show data context -
  Artizan, Mechanic (undefined) 24 Show data context 15 Show data context
  Apprentice (undefined) 4 Show data context 5 Show data context
  Factory Labourer (undefined) 6 Show data context -
  Machinist, Machine Worker (undefined) - 19 Show data context
  Chimney Sweep, Soot Merchant 3 Show data context -
24. PERSONS WITHOUT SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS. 150 Show data context 689 Show data context
  Persons returned by Property, Rank &c. and not special occupation 150 Show data context 689 Show data context
[UNKNOWN OCCUPATION] 50 Show data context 1,704 Show data context
  [Occupation recorded but of unknown meaning] 5 Show data context 1 Show data context
  [Blank field, or illegible] 45 Show data context 1,703 Show data context

Click on the triangles for all about a particular number.


The following notes to the table appeared in the original report.

1 This table is a very special case: The original Table 10 as published by Division in the 1881 census reports was limited to data for Registration Divisions, their component Registration Counties, and just those Urban Sanitary Districts with populations of over 50,000. Data presented here for counties and higher-level units are taken from the published reports, as usual, but we also include in A Vision of Britain through Time data for Registration Districts, sub-Districts and Civil Parishes which never appeared in the original reports. These were specially created for us by the History Data Service at the University of Essex and derive from the complete transcription of the individual-level Enumerators Book data coordinated by the Genealogical Society of Utah.
2 In creating these data, each occupation listed in the enumerators books has been assigned as far as possible to the relevant category used in the published reports, but some additional categories with labels in square brackets unavoidably appear. Unlike the published statistics for higher-level units, these specially-calculated data for districts and parishes include persons under 15 or over 65. For these and other reasons, no attempt has been made to ensure that county totals for the districts or parishes match the published county totals. The remaining notes are those that appeared below the original published table.
3 NOTE.--Persons returned as engaged in more than one occupation have been referred to the one that appeared to be of most importance; or if there was no difference in this respect, to the one first given by the person in his or her return. In some cases special rules have been followed: e.g. "Clergyman and Schoolmaster" in combination has always been referred to "Schoolmaster"; a Member of Parliament or Peer engaged in any branch of commerce or industry has always been referred to this latter, not to "Peer, M.P.".
4 The numbers returned under any heading include Labourers, Apprentices, and Assistants, as well as Masters, but not Clerks, Messengers, Errand boys, Porters, or Watchmen, for which occupations there are special headings. Civil, Military, and Naval Clerks, Law, Bank, Insurance, and Railway Clerks, and Government and Railway Porters, are, however, exceptions to this rule. Many young persons, being Apprentices or Assistants, have therefore been referred to occupations usually followed by adults. Women also, chiefly widows or orphans carrying on the business of their deceased husbands or fathers, will sometimes be found under occupations commonly followed by men only.
5 Persons returned as retired from any business have not been referred to that business. Inmates of workhouses have been referred to their trades, unless their age or infirmities showed that they were past work. But persons who might be supposed to be only temporarily separated from their usual employment, such as Prisoners, and Patients in General Hospitals, have been classed under their usual occupations.
6 In some cases, for convenience of space, the male designation, e.g. "Schoolmaster", alone is given, instead of "Schoolmaster, Schoolmistress".

This website does not try to provide an exact replica of the original printed census tables, which often had thousands of rows and far more columns than will fit on our web pages. Instead, we let you drill down from national totals to the most detailed data available. The column headings are those that appeared in the original printed report. The numbers presented here, which are the same ones we use to create statistical maps and graphs, come from the census table and have usually been carefully checked.

The system can only hold statistics for units listed in our administrative gazetteer, so some rows from the original table may be missing. Sometimes big low-level units, like urban parishes, were divided between more than one higher-level units, like Registration sub-Districts. This is why some pages will give a higher figure for a lower-level unit: it covers the whole of the lower-level unit, not just the part within the current higher-level unit.


We are grateful to the following contributors. If you make use of the data in your own work, please follow any instructions given here on acknowledgment and re-use.

(1) Kevin Schurer (Department of Geography, University of Cambridge). Role: editor. Restrictions on use: the data cannot be accessed, although the Vision of Britain system may present them graphically (any other use requires the contributor's permission.)

(2) Matthew Woollard (UK Data Service, University of Essex). Role: editor. Restrictions on use: the data cannot be accessed, although the Vision of Britain system may present them graphically (any other use requires the contributor's permission.)